James Noglai

Acting Director General

The Division plays a more proactive role in border management and border security issues as one of its core functions. It enhances and develops improved cooperation between PNG and countries that shares it’s land and maritime borders which includes; Australia, Republic of Indonesia, Solomon Islands, and Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) under the Basic Border Agreements and Arrangements with these countries. 

The Division works closely with the Department of Defence, PNGDF and relevant government entities to develop and maintain effective border management. This includes initiating and developing shared economic activities and monitoring and imposing necessary security measures in the border provinces and areas. The Division has four (4) branches, including Border Liaison Offices in Vanimo and Daru with the following functional responsibilities:

PNG and Australia Border Branch

The branch is responsible for managing the key political and bilateral as well as certain operational aspects of the PNG-Australia border. It implements and monitors major border developments and activities and movements under the Torres Strait Treaty. It attends to issues arising from operations or these developments and activities in the shared border.

PNG and Republic of Indonesia Border Branch

The branch manages key political aspects and certain operational matters for the PNG-Indonesia maritime and land border. It coordinates and plays a leadership role in the PNG-Indonesia border discussions on major developments; migration and culture, and security issues in the border Provinces and areas through the Border Liaison Committee (BLC) and Border Management Committee (BMC) Meetings.

PNG and Solomon Islands and Pacific Border Branch

The branch manages the main political or sovereign aspects and certain operational matters in the administration of the PNG-Solomon Islands and PNG-FSM international maritime borders. 

It collaborates with concerned government and security agencies to monitor activities in the border and attend to migration and security issues in the maritime borders to ensure PNG’s sovereignty is not compromised. It ensures marine resources in our maritime boundaries are jointly safeguarded from illegal exploitation.  

Security Cooperation Branch

The Branch deals with all border and security related issues not covered by other branches in the Division. It covers trans-international activities that pose a security threat to the internal security or border and sovereignty of the country. This includes transnational crimes such as money laundering, human trafficking or migrant smuggling, and human rights.


The branch also deals with issues such as counter-terrorism financing, oceans governance activities such as illegal fishing or deep-sea mining. It monitors the implementation of the provisions of various international treaties and agreements that call for a nuclear free world under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and the Comprehensive Test Ban (CTBT) Treaty. It is responsible for the issuance of Diplomatic Clearance to all foreign aircrafts and vessels for entering PNG’s airspace and waters for various reasons.

Postal Address:

P.O Box 422, Waigani,
National Capital District (NCD)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)

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